Charged with a significant task by the first head of the Mathematics and Astronomy section, Elisabeth Vreede, Willi Sucher devoted...
Form emerges as an image reflected in water at rest in a stone basin. The phenomenon alludes to the essence...
The Biodynamic Education Network is committed to more consistent organic farming education in agriculture. In Germany, 30% of available agricultural land was to be organically farmed by 2023. However, at the start of the 2023/24 training year, only 10% of agricultural apprentices are on organic farms, and organic agriculture accounts...
People from 15 countries converged for the Asia-Pacific Biodynamic Conference in Malaysia at the end of October. Walter Siegfried Hahn...
“From the sun—through the Earth—for the human being, so that humanity may one day become a sun for the earth.”...
A survey to improve the services of the Biodynamic Federation. In addition to its certification services, the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International would like to provide even more comprehensive support to Demeter licensees. To this end, it has designed a ten-minute online survey for Demeter companies and Demeter farms, which asks...
In the summer of 2023, the journal Scientific American published an article on the astounding synchronization of electroencephalograms in human...
The European Union’s Agriculture Commission has decided to extend the authorization of the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup in EU agriculture for...
To support agricultural work in fruit or wine growing, the Austrian company Greenhive has developed intelligent workmates. The ‹Gigas› – ground drones – are the «electromechanical version of an ant» for the care of perennial vertical crops. The small, lightweight machines have electrically adjustable fan sprayers on both sides with...
What dying tells us about life: The last leaves, already pale on the graphic undergrowth, and the moment of finding...
At the Biodynamics conference in February, there was a panel discussion entitled, ‹Women as Pioneers in Biodynamics: Past, Present, and...
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