At the end of April, anthroposophically interested scientists met for the annual workshop for physicists and physics teachers. This time...
Our current economic system has much to learn from the regenerative nature of the heart as a self-managing orchestrator of...
The French Association Kokopelli has set itself the task of fighting for the free reproduction of plant seeds. They don’t just want to be a production site for organic seeds, but they want to work for free distribution and autonomous access to them. In their documentary ‹Kokopelli, un monde en...
Aleksandr Matyushkin, one of the founders of Waldorf TV, visited the club Zhivoi Edy in Kaluzhskaya Oblast in Russia, about...
Children love to play the game of asking «Why?» without end. Perhaps this is the beginning of the scientific mind....
Blue Hill, Maine. A conference on the intrinsic nature of water. What if we gave water back its archetypal movements in order to rehabilitate it? This question guided the flow and water research of the German engineer Theodor Schwenk and the British sculptor John Wilkes. Thanks to their work at...
Heralded as ‹the Silent Spring of the 21st Century›, Arthur Firstenberg’s ‹The Invisible Rainbow› documents the subtle, unforeseen effects of...
Self-education is a recurring theme in Goethe’s work, for example in his Bildungsromane and plays. However, this dimension of inner...
Naples, Italy/Überlingen, Germany. Biodynamics under different climatic conditions From August 6 to 16, the Israeli organization Adama Haya is organizing a tour through Italy and southern Germany with a thematic focus on the diversity of biodynamic farms. The practice-oriented field course is open to anyone who wants to learn more...
In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all...
From wheat, we bake bread. Our ‹daily bread› represents our daily nourishment in general. But where does wheat for bread...
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