Der Mensch ist kein willenloser ‹Teil› der Natur, sondern ihr Partner. Wir verfügen über Bewusstsein und die Zukunft der Erde hängt...
Issue 13-14/2024
Wherever we find ourselves on this beautiful planet, our experience of the exquisite manifestations of death and rebirth in nature at this time of year is like an embodied parable for taking up new responsibility to effect an inner rebirth. The season seems to offer an invitation, through example: release what is dead and done, reclaim living, evolve! In this issue, Jan Diek van Mansvelt invites us to explore this question through corresponding flowering processes in human beings and plants; Wolfgang Held gives us insight and encouragement as gifts from the configuration of planets and stars at Easter time; and Philipp Reubke takes the perspective of the teacher and considers the blossoming that’s possible when we work with our thoughts, feelings, and deeds as living, evolving practices.
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