Zvi Szir Art Classes in the US

Free Columbia, a cultural center for art and Anthroposophy in Hudson, New York, USA, is offering a rare opportunity to experience the lively and deeply esoteric work of Zvi Szir.

Zvi Szir is a co-founder and director of the newARTschool in Basel, Switzerland, where he has been teaching painting, contemporary art, and Anthroposophy for the last 24 years. He is a painter, writer, and lecturer. Zvi will be leading courses in painting over three weeks this summer. Attendees will be working with paintings inspired by pivotal moments of world development, from old Saturn to the present. The workshop is for painters, those who love to paint, or would love to paint.

Workshop information

Imagining the Real with Zvi Szir
July 11th – July 29th, 2022
Lightforms Art Center in Hudson, NY, USA

July 11 – 15 Week 1: How can we imagine and paint the event of the big sacrifice at the beginning of the world?
July 18 – 22 Week 2: A world of light and air; how to create unimaginable figures?
July 25 – 29 Week 3: The soul is a cosmic battleground; can we re-imagine the images of the fall from grace?

Online options
In preparation for the courses, Zvi will be hosting four online presentations
June 4, 11, 18, 25, 10am-12pm EST.

Sign up for the course and/or online presentations by emailing imaginingthereal@gmail.com.
Find more information at Summer at Free Columbia
Suggested Contribution for the face-to-face workshops: $400 USD per week with a sliding scale of $0-800.

Image by Zvi Szir

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