Young and Organic

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Bio Suisse, and the European umbrella organization of organic farming organizations (IFOAM Organics Europe) are organizing an event for young people who are active in the organic sector or interested in the topic: The Organics Europe Youth Event (OEYE), from August 31 until September 1, 2022, in Frick, will offer them the opportunity to network, discuss, and learn more about the potential of organic farming and its role in a sustainable food system. We spoke with Mirjam Schleiffer, Nathalie Windlin, and Asta Donielaite from the organizational team.

What role do young people play in advancing the organic farming movement?

The young generation is very important to the organic farming movement for various reasons. On the one hand, young people are actively involved in the organic value chain. They run companies, work in processing, trading, and certification companies, or do bio-related research and consulting. Furthermore, young people contribute to the further development of the organic market with innovative and creative ideas. This can be seen, among other things, in all the new and innovative start-ups and products on the organic market. Last but not least, the younger generations are the heirs of the world. It is therefore imperative that they have a say and shape the further development of organic farming and our food system.

How does your work reach people who are not sensitized to the topic?

Everyone needs to eat. Consequently, many are affected by the development of the organic market through the offerings in supermarkets and shopping bags. In addition, organic producers contribute with their work to the preservation and care of ecosystem services and promote biodiversity in the cultivated land. In addition to this event, FiBL, Bio Suisse, and IFOAM Organics Europe are also working on a political and public level to ensure that the population is aware of the many advantages of organic farming.

What will happen at the first OEYE 2022?

Since it’s a new format, it will be a bit of a surprise for us, too (laughs). In any case, there is a lot of exchange, discussion, networking, and learning. The exciting mix of people from different backgrounds from all over Europe and from different fields of action within the organic value chain creates an excellent breeding ground for excellent discussions. In addition, we were able to book exciting speakers who will ignite new ideas and inspire the participants. And last but not least, of course, there will also be space for fun and sociability.

More Organics Europe Youth Event 2022

Picture IFOAM organics Europe – Translation: Monika Werner

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