Women Power for Medicine

A conference by women for women and the female aspects in medicine!

The Ita Wegman Conference begins on the 21st of October. The co-creators underline their intention not only with the powerful name of the best-known founder of Anthroposophic Medicine but also in their motto: «Freer – More Female – Forwards». They write: «Medicine is becoming increasingly more female. We want to actively accompany this development.» Thus, the conference will be a platform for further training, networking, and professional exchange on the question of what will empower women in medicine in the future. The ‹Female Future› initiative was founded within the Society of Anthroposophic Physicians in Germany (GAÄD) in 2020. Women from all health professions are welcome at the conference.

More Freier – Weiblicher – Fortschreiten

Bild Hannah Busing Translation Christian von Arnim

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