What Do I Mean By New?

New things always enter the world through pain. Birth does not exist without pain. For new things, it is also painful to live in an old world. Old and new bump into each other. One must never envision new things as too glorious and superheroic. It is always our wounds and our pain and weaknesses that make us especially sensitive. That is where new things reveal themselves first.

The fact that time management is an issue for so many people today demonstrates that something new wants to be born. This issue has two sides: stress and boredom. As educators, we are more familiar with the aspect of stress. Our students are also very familiar with boredom. Stress comes with great pressure from the outside. When we are bored, we feel emptiness from within. External pressure and inner emptiness indicate that something is wrong with one’s own center. There is something wrong with our relationship to time and therefore also with our relationship to the ethereic aspects of life.

From Johannes Greiner, Youth Between Stress and Boredom – School and Leisure Industry. In: Andreas Neider (Ed.), Children Need Time – Adults Do Too. Stuttgart 2016.

Graphic Sofia Lismont – Translation: Simone Stadlbacher

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