Weaving the Future

Bauru, Brazil. A Meeting of the Youth Section in Brazil.

The Brazilian Youth Section is organizing a national network meeting from 29 May to 2 June under the title “Weaving Threads for the Future”. The venue is the Bauru Waldorf School in the state of São Paulo. The event will bring together young people from all over the country to get to know each other and exchange ideas. The aim of the meeting is to support young initiatives in their ability to motivate and take action and network with each other so that their ideas and impulses can develop into fruitful projects.

The conference program includes lectures, discussion groups, workshops, working groups, project presentations, and cultural activities. Thematically, the program will address collective challenges such as the climate crisis, unequal educational opportunities, discrimination, and the strengthening and cultivation of spiritual well-being. Those wishing to support the meeting remotely can contact the section by email.

Contact sjbr@sab.org.br
More Seção de Jovens Brasil

Translation Charles Cross

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