Unnecessary but Sustainable

In November, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said the closure of daycare centers as a Covid measure was unnecessary.

Children under the age of five have never been ‹drivers› for the spread of the disease. The Corona Daycare Study proves this today. However, the devastating effects of pandemic measures on children’s emotional stability and psychosocial health are becoming increasingly apparent. The more disadvantaged they had been until then, the stronger the negative consequences of the mitigation measures. The latest Unicef report also points to the sharp rise in the number of mental health problems among children and adolescents. The German Society for Pediatric Infectiology and the German Society for Hospital Hygiene had already issued a statement in 2020 that coincides with those of worldwide organizations: Children are not ‹drivers of the pandemic.› Nevertheless, Lauterbach relies on science in his decisions.

More Ärztinnen und Ärzte für individuelle Impfentscheidung (Doctors for individual vaccination decisions)

Image Baby Nature, Unsplash – Translation: Monika Werner

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