Twinkle Promises

When I look at the night sky on clear nights these days, here at ten degrees North, I can see, soon after sunset, Mercury in the West, then Saturn, Jupiter, and finally Mars in the East. Orion also rises magnificently and especially the belt makes a strong impression, pointing somewhat to the center of the sky.

I cannot reach these twinkling beings, so far away, that send me their light from so long ago, so that their twinkling brilliance reaches me through the darkness tonight. It makes me humble; it is something so much bigger that gives me comfort, reassures me.

At this moment, a little child, born in the context of persecution and under simple circumstances, brings hope to the world.

This time with the longer nights, when the rainy season has ended, everything is lush and green and the days are brilliant, the skies blue. These dark nights are connected with hope and assurance that a child will bring salvation to humankind. It is a time of inner joy and deep peace. The twinkle of the stars promise me a new year, promise me light in the darkness.

Photo Simon Godfrey

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