Training of Biodynamic Educators

Reflections on the needs of participants and the training of a Latin American community of educators.

A first milestone has been reached in the pilot project ‘Train the Trainers’ of the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International. One year after the start of the training, the cooperation was reflected upon. The participation of 140 people from ten countries – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela, Uruguay – was enriching and in line with the organisation’s concern to create a continental connection. The aim of this pilot was to embed a holistic training approach in biodynamic agriculture. A methodological framework had been developed for this, which is oriented towards the anthroposophical understanding of adult education and aims to permeate thinking, feeling and willing in the biodynamic training pathway. Biodynamic agriculture should thus be understood not only as a practical method, but as a path of self-transformation and development. Thus, additional work was done with Goetheanism, speech formation and group dynamics. Within the training online sessions and regional face-to-face meetings have become established. The common languages also had a facilitating effect. Looking back on the first year, however, it has also become apparent that there are very different conditions and training approaches in the individual countries. These are to be given more emphasis in the second year in order to meet local needs – especially in those countries that do not yet have basic biodynamic education.

Source Demeter
Photo Lin Bautze

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