Therapeutic Eurythmy for Animals

The Qi Academy in Gangelt, Germany, is offering a course for eurythmy therapists and veterinary medicine professionals in using eurythmy for sick and traumatized animals.

The training covers basic elements of this form of eurythmy, extended for animals, and alternates theoretical lessons with practical exercises using animals from the venue itself. The course is led by Christine van Draanen, who has a practice in Therapeutic Eurythmy for Animals, veterinarian Sabrina Menestrina, the International Coordinator of the Veterinary Department at the Medical Section of the Goetheanum, and veterinarian Markus Steiner, who practices acupuncture, osteopathy, pulse diagnosis, anthroposophic veterinary medicine, and holistic equine dental treatments. The course will be held from September 30 to October 1 at the Qi Academy in Gangelt. Overnight accommodation is available on the farm.


Translation Laura Liska
Photos Christine van Draanen

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