Therapeutic Eurythmy Enhances Medicine

Eurythmy therapy can expand one’s own therapeutic awareness. An advanced training course for medical practitioners.

Anthroposophic Medicine is a holistic integrating system of many health professions and forms of therapy. How can we keep this alive today and what are the challenges? Eurythmy therapy, which builds on cosmic-dynamic forces and translates them into movement forms, can fertilize medicine, the substance and form pole, through the process pole. The module course for female physicians, assistant physicians, and medical students is based on Rudolf Steiner’s parallel lectures that will be given during the eurythmy therapy course and the practice-oriented exchange of experiences. The next round of the module course will begin in June.

More Heileurythmie-Ausbildung

Translation Eliza Rozeboom
Image rights Heileurythmie-Ausbildung Dornach

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