The World Is Burning

Meeting 100 years after the fire of the First Goetheanum.

The world is burning! Anyone who takes even a glimpse at the events of our time will probably confirm this. The external fires are numerous and varied, as are the internal fires in our souls. We want to take the 100th anniversary of the fire of the First Goetheanum as an opportunity to take four full days together. Time to explore how we can transform the inner burning into a creatively active burning for the truly new, which wants and should be brought into the world through our individuality. We will be silent together. We will be artistically active together. We will think, research, and practice together. We will listen together, and we will laugh together. We will immerse ourselves with each other and in the warmth that makes us endure the burning. And we will bring the fruits of our actions together to the altar. The conference is an invitation to experience together the path to the fire, the fire itself, and everything that results from it. Perhaps this will enable us to wake up to today’s necessities to creatively transform present fires into future fires.

More Memorial conference in Stuttgart

Image source Event flyer: Drawing by Eva-Maria Lotzer.

Translation Monika Werner

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