The Way Forward

Haifa, Israel. Tal Hama (Sun Dew) is an Israeli initiative that treats people with cancer and other chronic illnesses. An interview with the anthroposophical doctor Tidhar Donio, who works for the initiative.

What does Tal Hama offer to its patients?

Twice a month, the initiative hosts a one-week workshop for patients who are recovering from oncological treatments. There, they experience the anthroposophical way of looking at health and illness. The program activities include making art, gardening, horse therapy, movement, yoga, biographical work, and rhythmical massage. Patients can also receive an individual treatment plan, and they can be examined and treated by an anthroposophical doctor. Tal Hama also hosts several workshops with different themes throughout the year.

How does one find empowerment when chronically ill?

First, it’s important to find meaning in the events, finding one’s inner questions. The way forward is to try to make peace with being ill and to take responsibility for learning the hidden secrets that the disease process tells every individual about their own life. Second, hope is an essential power within the soul that strengthens the will of the patient and allows the spirit to connect with the future. The nurturing of hope allows positive change to unfold. Third, bringing a holistic view into the healing journey and life of the patient. This includes their physical, mental, and spiritual health so that the entire individual can flourish. Fourth, creating a community of healing. People need human contact, love, and warmth. Especially as a life situation grows challenging. Our “I” shines brighter and warmer together with other people sharing the same goal, helping us to carry the weight of our burden together and experience the spiritual and mental warmth so important for the healing process. Fifth, working with an interdisciplinary team that brings different aspects of healing in order to holistically help balance and nurture on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.

What does health mean to you?

To me, health is a dynamic, evolving state of life in which the soul can fully express its inner qualities, aspirations, and light, thus bringing it into fruition in the physical world. The consequence is a feeling of joy, ease, and well-being.

More Tal Hama

Translation Charles Cross
Image Tal Hama

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