The Temple is on Fire

In September, the U.S. Anthropos Theater – a performing arts theater in New York City – will stage a play about the burning down of the first Goetheanum.

Acting in the play are Glen Williamson and Laura Portocarrero, and performing eurythmy are Sea-Anna Vasilas and Zachary Dolphin, who have been working together on the material for years. Focused on the actual events and historical figures of Rudolf Steiner, Marie Steiner von Sivers, and Ita Wegman, the play dramatizes the last phase of Rudolf Steiner’s life and the spiritual struggles surrounding the Goetheanum. After years of attempts doing smaller versions of the play and readings, the piece is now being shaped by director John McManus into a full-length production entitled Fire in the Temple. Seven performances—which will function as a test run for a possible larger tour—are scheduled in New York State from September 15-24.

More Fire in the Temple

Translation Eliza Rozeboom
Image Sea-Anna Vasilas and Laurie Portocarrero, Photo: Anthropos Theater

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