The Peacemaking Mission

With a view to the next 100 years, the biodynamic movement is faced with the task of being a catalyst for a renewed attempt to give a malleable and adaptable form to the threefold structure of the social organism that is so challenged today by the disintegration of civilization. This can become a common and overarching objective alongside the work with nature as a necessary equivalent. I see a path forward for agriculture—which today rests on so few overburdened shoulders—where it can once again be carried by many, and the collaborative spiritual work on farms can inspire renewed enthusiasm and fire the will. In this synthesis between evolving in the context of nature and supporting each other in social life, I can see the progressive realization of the peacemaking mission of the biodynamic movement.

Translation Joshua Kelberman
Title image Blackboard drawing by Rudolf Steiner for the agricultural course on 16 June 1924. © Rudolf Steiner Archiv

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