The new Agricultural Course

In the newsletter Winter 2021/22 of the Section for Agriculture, Ueli Hurter reports on the new edition of the Agricultural Course.

Blackboard drawing for the lecture of June 10, 1924, Agricultural Course, GA 327, Rudolf Steiner Archive, Dornach, Switzerland.

Kurt Walter’s original shorthand report is still missing. In notebooks by Lili Kollisko, there were shorthand reports of the lectures five to eight. They are written in the Gabelsberger shorthand, for which fortunately someone was found who can transmit the characters. Now the new transfer is compared with all available text variants. Where have the transcripts of the first four lectures gone? The research reads like a thriller. Lili Kollisko lived in England and in fact, there seems to be an archive of her estate in a barn in Wales. At first, the inquiries did not lead any further until transcripts of the first two lectures actually reached the Goetheanum. What Ueli Hurter then calls a «big fish» is the formulation of a «cosmic-quantitative» analysis. So far, there has been talk of a «cosmic-qualitative» analysis in the agricultural course. That’s a difference! The new ninth edition of the Agricultural Course is now in its final stages. Hurter once again formulates the goal of the edition: «to make the sources available as pure as possible with the new edition, on one hand in order to do justice to the author Rudolf Steiner as much as possible, and on the other hand to provide all readers, students and researchers with a good basis for their work».

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