The Inner Glow

Buchenbach, Germany. Touched by the medical conference: Klaus Adams, specialist nurse in psychiatry from Germany.

The conference on aging culture and care for the elderly warmed my heart. The problem of equating life in old age directly with illness leads to a social impasse. Seeing very old people in a healthy state of development opens up the view for a dignified, meaningful way of life. The perspectives of body, soul, and spirit also broaden our hopeful view of the diverse challenges of everyday care. We watched excerpts from the documentary film Das innere Leuchten (The inner glow) by Stefan Sick, in which people affected by dementia are portrayed in a subtle, appreciative way. The atmosphere of the conference was not characterized by heaviness but by a wake-up call for understanding between the different generations. In order to be able to cope with the tasks of the future, also with regard to the earth and animals, we need a cultural change towards a spirit-filled life. – Klaus Adams


Translation Charles Cross
Image Dominik Lange

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