The Grace of the Muses

Bucharest, Romania. The Goetheanum will host the Theater Festival from July 10 to 14. The Logos Theater from Romania will be performing the play “Illiada – Iliad”. An interview with the director Oswald Gayer.

What is the performance about?

In the long arc of human of the striving human spirit being poured into art, the first truly convincing impulses toward mercy, love, and forgiveness appear in Homer’s verse epic, The Iliad. Furthermore, the first archetypal concepts of harmony between fate and freedom are also presented. Through Homer’s genius, mythology became a historical reality. European destiny is conveyed—from the moment when the divine plan was still depicted in mythologically transfigured images.

What themes and questions are you researching?

Such a complex hallucinatory breadth of imagination and prophecy can only enter the intimate cycle of an artist’s inspiration with the consent of the original source of art, only through the grace of the Muses.

What influence does Rudolf Steiner’s Drama Course have on your work?

For us, The Iliad is the ideal material for practicing the following suggestions from Steiner’s course: “And one can almost make the following statement as an axiom of the art of acting: the better an actor trains themselves to live in their dreams, to remember the figures of their dreams, to consciously place the experiences of their dreams before their soul again and again, the better […] an artistic, stylistic attitude they will acquire during the whole performance. […] For the more the overall picture on stage gives the impression of nightmarish fantasy, the better it is for the evening stage performance. The impression of liveliness, of authenticity, emerges precisely when you can see that the stage has been created from dreams that have been transformed into living fantasy.”1

More Goetheanum Theater-Festtage

Translation Charles Cross
Image Teatrul Logos, Bucharest


  1. Rudolf Steiner, Speech and Drama, Lecture 15, “The Esoteric Aspect of the Actor’s Vocation”, 19 September, 1924.

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