In rural Castalla, a group of consumers lives in their own houses free of ownership and tenancies. Following the co-living/convivir...
How does current medicine take the living into account? What concepts and methods enable the study of the living in...
Nightitime plays an enormous role in development and learning. Yet it has been little appreciated so far. How does pedagogy...
A new year of training in Anthroposophic Medicine will start at Emerson College in January 2023. In this international course,...
A lecture on the future of the self and artificial intelligence was planned for the ‘Long Night of Philosophy’ in...
Local species protection is becoming a community tradition. Machines are too brutal for the flora and fauna of the UNESCO...
Refugees on Ukrainian farms, hardly any diesel for the tractors, lack of seeds – the situation in Ukraine is difficult....
The EU is preparing a new regulation to restrict the use of pesticides – but it could be more ambitious....
The next congress will take place from June 15 to June 18, 2022. Between 1998 and 2018, seven congresses, each...
The podcast of the Nature Institute (Ghent) goes into dialogue with nature. The institute’s staff understands science as a participatory...
In a Germany-wide rally on March 11, the Waldorf Network of Peace was founded. Based on an initiative by Tia...
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