“Sahara” is the main theme of this year’s Culturescapes festival in Basel. A series of films by Tunisian filmmaker Nacer...
And these are not things to be ashamed of; they are deeply human. They are a kind of “human condition,”...
After a heated argument with my twelve-year-old son, he comes home with a somewhat tacky mug he found in a...
This juxtaposition of depth and height, visible at the Externsteine, can be found in practically all forms of initiation because...
When we meet each other, perhaps for the first time, we look for intersections. What do we have in common—what...
Israeli musician, writer, and former student of Anthroposophic Studies at the Goetheanum, Omer Eilam, reflects on the attacks by Hamas...
The perception of the other takes place in the tension between self-surrender and self-assertion. When two people meet, we attempt...
Our first editorial conversation after the holiday break took us to the Magic Mountain. We wondered: how many anthroposophical initiatives...
That the idea that happiness is concurrent with one’s favorite occupation, that this favorite occupation takes place in the swing...
The other day, we were looking at photos from our vacation, and one had slipped in of grandma and grandpa...
We do not read in order to collect information, but rather to learn and practice reading, in every sense. On...
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