A conversation about the completion of the Collected Works (CW) [Gesamtausgabe (GA)] and the handover of the archive’s leadership was...
English Issue 43/2024
English Issue 43/2024
What a picture: 100 years after Rudolf Steiner’s birth, the Rudolf Steiner Archive began publishing the Gesamtausgabe (GA) [the Complete Works, in German], and in 2025, the centenary of his death, the archive’s staff will finalize this great project. The result is 400 volumes of Rudolf Steiner’s words, both spoken and written, and each of these 400 volumes has been edited, corrected for transcription errors, and annotated by the archive’s proofreaders. If it was fortunate that Rudolf Steiner’s lectures were written down in shorthand—over 3,000 by Helene Finckh alone!—it is equally fortunate to have an editorial team at Rudolf Steiner Archive that is actually completing the Complete Works. We readers are recipients of the third piece of good fortune when the stenographed and edited words come alive in our heads, hearts, and hands.
The production of animal products is criticized as being harmful to the climate. Cell-cultured products, which are grown in vitro...
The friendship with Otto Erich Hartleben that began in Weimar continued in Berlin. It offered Rudolf Steiner the opportunity to...
Järna, Sweden. Community network meeting in Sweden. This year’s Nordic Biodynamic Forum will take place from November 22 to 24...
Nayarít, Mexico. A new start for a biodynamic family farm. IKÚ is a biodynamic family farm in Nayarít, Mexico, founded...
We have made a pact with the heavens—each human being for themselves. We must remain faithful to it. This is...
For Michael Kurtz, who crossed the threshold on April 25, 2024. In the beginning, I was simply amazed. In 1988,...
Goetheanum, Switerland. Over the past few weeks, Barbara Schnetzler and 48 helpers have built the bee house, constructing the rammed...
Newington, Connecticut. In Her Boots is an open discussion group on mental and emotional health for women farmers with and...
The Bavarian singer-songwriter Werner Schmidbauer calls himself a “collector of moments” [Momentensammler] in his song of the same name. This...
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