The friendship with Otto Erich Hartleben that began in Weimar continued in Berlin. It offered Rudolf Steiner the opportunity to...
Ausgabe 31-32/2024
Ausgabe 31-32/2024
In dieser Ausgabe werfen wir ein Licht auf die Entwicklung von Kulturen. Auch wenn es viele Kräfte gibt, die suggerieren, dass Kulturräume getrennt und abgesondert voneinander entstanden sind, zeigt ein Blick in ältere und jüngere Vergangenheit etwas anderes. Schon immer war Kultur ein Prozess der Wandlung und der Metamorphosen, der Erneuerung und des Vergehens. Vor allem war es aber stets ein Prozess der Begegnung.
Mehdi Ha’iri Yazdi investigated the ‘I’ and created a bridge between philosophy and religion through his thinking. What is thinking?...
Christiane Leiste, former Waldorf teacher, conflict mediator, coach, and mindfulness teacher, hosted a special event at her seminar venue in...
Nieheim, Germany. A Goldsworthy on biodynamic land. British artist Andy Goldsworthy is internationally renowned for his land art. Since 1989,...
Forest Row, England. A course for storytellers. What makes a good story? Can words move the world? What has to...
Goethe maintained a lifelong interest in foreign cultures, particularly in their literature. He engaged deeply with the “oriental,” Indian, Chinese,...
Europe is experiencing a crisis, economically, politically, culturally, and spiritually. Perhaps the deeper meaning of the concept “Europa” has never...
Come! Come! Thou art the Soul, the Soul so dear, Revolving!Come! Come! Thou art the Cedar, the Cedar’s Spear, Revolving!O...
Monte Azul, Brazil. The Associação Comunitária Monte Azul is 45 years old. The Brazilian non-governmental organization runs an integrated slum...
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