Marginalia of Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work, No. 23 – In peripheral encounters, and once directly, Ludwig Berger circled around...
Will arises from sympathy. Will is, we might say, another aggregate state of sympathy: consolidated or condensed sympathy, which turns...
It is rare for the Nobel Prize in Medicine to be awarded to someone who is not researching topics with...
In 1961, the astrophysicist Francis Drake came up with the equation later named after him, with which one should be...
Across the globe, young therapists are initiating new impulses in Anthroposophic Medicine. For the first time, during the Annual Medical...
The list of countries is long: from the war in Yemen and Ukraine to the civil war in Syria or...
Tal Hama is a recovery center for patients recovering from cancer and other chronic diseases. In the hills of the...
An exceptionally diverse recovery and care center! Nine women from different therapeutic fields founded this center in Argentina. In times...
In the south of São Paulo in Brazil in the 70s, the Waldorf teacher Ute Craemer initiated a project worth...
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