Steiner from a Scientific Perspective

A Self-Critical Look at Steiner’s Science

A lecture series organized by Alanus University entitled “Steiner-Forschung und Steiners Forschung” [Steiner Research and Steiner’s Research] is taking place each Wednesday, having started on September 27 and continuing until December 13. By looking at a selection of exemplary research projects, the lecturers will provide insights on topics under discussion in the current scientific discourse on Rudolf Steiner’s ideas and their classification in the history of thought. With this series, the university wishes to offer a platform where anthroposophy can be discussed with a solidly grounded foundation. The context for the lecture series is provided by Steiner research, which, over the last ten years, has established a new basis for discussion with the critical edition of Steiner’s works and the international academic journal Steiner Studies. Under the title of “Steiner Research,” it works to demarcate, question, and research the various results and presentations of Steiner’s spiritual science [Steiner’s research] and discuss them critically. The lectures may be attended online or in person at the university.

The Steiner Studies journal

Translation Joshua Kelberman

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