March 2021, Berlin-Schöneberg

Maike: I found this book by Gregory and Mary Catherine Bateson: Angels Fear—Towards An Epistemology Of The Sacred, where a daughter compiles a book from her late father’s notes and her conversations with him [before and after his death.] Is joint authorship even possible? What is one’s own thought, and what is someone else’s?

Brunhild: Where do you stop? And where do I start?

Bodo: Being witnessed in action is a gift: participatory listening becomes presence—how do I express it?

Dorothea: Dialogue is realization that remains in limbo. Remaining in limbo is really, finally real!

In the zone, everything stays in limbo. The zone is a place of transformation, a place of encounter with the unexpected, a place of the future—a possible one. Aesthetics lives in the dialog zone of the encounter with the unexpected: in the limbo between science and art, in the limbo between reflection and creation, and in the limbo between philosophy and politics. Between you and me, the whole and the part, between memory and expectation, in the present.1

Translation Laura Liska
Image Hilma af Klint, c. 1895, Hilma af Klint Foundation


  1. From: Brunhild Matthias, Maike Meyer-Oldenburg, Bodo von Plato, Dorothea Schulz, Sylvia Sourinho, et al, Notes on Aesthetic Practice, publication in preparation.

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