Stage Moments in Images and Text

Since the fall of 2015, a dozen young artists and cultural professionals from Germany and Switzerland have been meeting with the interdisciplinary colloquium ‹Bühne heute› (‹Stage today›) for regular cooperation.

Since the summer of 2020, the colloquium has expanded into an artistic research collective with an annual one-week summer residency. The wish was to deepen the substantive examination of texts from Anthroposophy and philosophy and to explore possibilities of cooperation across one’s own discipline. The working method is exploratory and experimental, focusing on linking the sensual experience of forms of expression and concept formation. Rudolf Steiner’s ‹The Threshold of the Spiritual World› has served for several years as an instrument for forming concepts and examining threshold moments in the art. Improvisation and the picking up and repetition of artistic motifs form the working method during the residency. This is how the eurythmist encounters the dancer in improvising a piece of music. The musician and the painter exchange ideas about images that are created during listening. Improvisation and conversation are experimentally filmed by the producer and edited into a movie. A graphic designer and an actor work on a text, which in turn is interpreted by the eurythmist. An expansive installation emerges out of nowhere and disappears again, while a ‹fool› leads the guests on a journey of discovery through the house. A documentation of the summer residence 2020 has now been published, which we will gladly send you for a fee.

More Colloquium Bühne heute

Photo: Miriam Wahl – Translation: Monika Werner

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