Speech and the Immune System

In keeping with the theme of the 2023 annual conference of the Medical Section, the speech and language therapists dedicated this year’s specialist conference to the immune system.

In the encounter and conversation with the environment, our immune system learns to distinguish between “inside” and “outside,” “own” and “other,” and it forms the physiological boundary of the self. In addition to innate immune defenses, the human immune system has an adaptive aspect which develops and stores situational responses. Communication shows parallels on the mental level. “Impressions” and “expressions” are related to each other with an innate ability to interact. We acquire skills for speaking and expressing ourselves and develop individual forms of communication.

The conference highlighted the engagement of the self with the world, in human development as well as on physiological and cosmic levels. Through lectures, discussions, and case presentations, therapists addressed the questions “How do I become I?”, “How can I support becoming I?” and “How are authenticity and immune development related?”

Source Flyer

Translation Laura Liska
Photo Xue Li

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