Four hundred years ago, a great personality of modern intellectual life in Europe was born. Blaise Pascal was not only...
Following the pager attacks and the death of Hassan Nassrallah, violence has escalated in the Middle East. Hezbollah is supporting...
The health crisis has provoked contrasting, sometimes radical reactions. In the background is a confrontation of worldviews, an ill-conscious debate between technophilia, techno skepticism, and technophobia. Whether it was vaccinations or tracking technologies – QR code – or remote work, the big question of how humans relate to technology became...
Blackbirds, tits, and finches do not argue about the way they sing. They simply sing and chirp the beauty’s tones....
Emilia Roig, founder of the Center for Intersectional Justice in Berlin, is one of the most important feminist voices in...
Germany. A working group of the Anthroposophical Society in Germany (AGiD) has formulated seven reasons to explain why anthroposophy and right-wing extremism are incompatible. Below is a summary. The authors’ first reason is the fact that the core of anthroposophical philosophy and practice is a philosophy of freedom and the...
In recent times, anthroposophy has often been suspected of having anti-democratic overtones. Yet, the essential gestures of democracy and anthroposophy...
The crises of recent years have presented social and educational institutions with significant issues regarding how to conduct their teaching....
It is called ‹Loi de vigilance› in France, ‹Lieferkettengesetz› in Germany, ‹Supply Chain Act› in the US, and ‹Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid› in the Netherlands. The goal is always to commit companies and hold them liable for ecological or social violations, even outside the legal area of their own country. However,...
How can human beings and the earth work together? This is the topic we will be exploring at the Arts...
Dan McKanan is a professor at Harvard Divinity School and the author of two books on anthroposophy: Eco-Alchemy: Anthroposophy and...
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