Nana Woo is a social eurythmist and facilitator for inner development from South Korea who works at SEKEM in Egypt....
When I look back on my life, I realize that I was often able to take great steps when others...
For 100 years, the founding moment of the Anthroposophical Society and School for Spiritual Science has been called “The Christmas Conference.” It was a conference at Christmas, but it was not only that—it was also a Christmas conference that signaled a beginning. The title of the last day of our...
All that is is being: the house, the mountain, the tree, the car, or the dog, as well as the...
Through my work at the World Social Initiative Forum, WSIF, I have met inspiring women who strive towards upholding human...
Every human being is like a color or a unique music melody. After a holiday in the vortex of Breton colors and sounds, we ended up back at the Goetheanum, the long-awaited family festival. Laughter and crying, concerts, dance, and workshops for young and old filled the premises and the...
Peace is when I can let go of this: the craving for ego, the longing for the mother’s breast. Peace...
The finale of this four-part series considers how anthroposophy inspired the foundations of Waldorf Education as practically applied and transformed...
Laughter is an experience the spirit makes, and there has been a work group for clowns at the Section for the Performing Arts since September 2021. Who should know best about humor than those, whose vocation is to make people laugh. Gilda Bartel inquired about their work and their thoughts....
When we try to structure and direct organizations, we have two principles symbolized as a pyramid – cultures of the...
Robert McDermott is the former President and a recently retired, long-term Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, as...
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