Therefore a request is brought forth: everything should create its own time. It creates its rhythm, which must interweave with...
For ten years, a group of people has met twice a year in the Northern part of the Netherlands to...
This November, the canton of Basel-Stadt had a vote as to whether they will become Swiss pioneers in going completely climate-neutral as early as 2030. The ‹Basel 2030› initiative stipulates a change in the constitution. We spoke with press spokesperson Agnes Jezler, cultural scientist and initiative committee member Silvia Henke,...
Every human being is like a color or a unique music melody. After a holiday in the vortex of Breton...
“If colleague Z says one thing, I can guarantee that colleague Y will say the opposite in response; and if...
Mountshannon, Ireland. From July 10 to 14, the Goetheanum hosted the Theater Festival. There, director Paul Brennan staged a new production of Three Short Plays by Lady Gregory. An interview with actor Danijel Grcevic. What is the performance about? These are three short pieces by Lady Gregory on themes of...
It is no coincidence that I, born in the war year 1942, have some very vivid images come to me....
What is the most beautiful moment in a conversation? Probably, when new words and thoughts suddenly emerge from listening. It...
The health crisis has provoked contrasting, sometimes radical reactions. In the background is a confrontation of worldviews, an ill-conscious debate between technophilia, techno skepticism, and technophobia. Whether it was vaccinations or tracking technologies – QR code – or remote work, the big question of how humans relate to technology became...
«I have the following dream. For hundreds of years, maybe longer, the 18-year-olds were drafted and then forced to serve...
After weeks of lockdown, Shanghai politicians and authorities have offered the prospect of easing conditions. At least the population is...
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