Anthroposophy conceived as an extension of consciousness creates consequences for the social organism. The initiator of The Foundation for Independent...
Also this year, the call to celebrate the day of social threefolding on June 26, 2022, and network. Developments take...
Molière would have been 400 years old this year. Despite the four centuries that separate us from this genius of humor, his social criticism, his commitment to the human soul, his clairvoyance, and the trials he went through can still inspire us today. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin came from a wealthy Parisian...
The Western allies’ war against the Taliban in Afghanistan has been going on for 20 years. Not only has it...
Christine Gruwez knows the Persian region from many travels and studies. A conversation about the history and perspective in Afghanistan....
When visiting another country, I show my appreciation for ‹foreign› people and their culture by trying to thank, greet, and say goodbye to them in their language. I accept one part of the other, the unfamiliar, appreciatively into myself. Giving thanks creates a bridge from myself to the other. This...
What is the most beautiful moment in a conversation? Probably, when new words and thoughts suddenly emerge from listening. It...
As early as 100 years ago, progressive educators were concerned with allowing children to be children, not integrating them into...
It is called ‹Loi de vigilance› in France, ‹Lieferkettengesetz› in Germany, ‹Supply Chain Act› in the US, and ‹Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid› in the Netherlands. The goal is always to commit companies and hold them liable for ecological or social violations, even outside the legal area of their own country. However,...
After weeks of lockdown, Shanghai politicians and authorities have offered the prospect of easing conditions. At least the population is...
A short essay on how ‹actually› became self-light. «Actually, time for an afternoon nap, but playing in the sandbox together...
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