It’s the latest in a series of recent events that suggest science fiction has become reality. Researchers in California at...
Five mysterious billionaires invited media theorist Douglas Rushkoff to a private conversation at a desert resort. They wanted to know...
Social therapeutic communities are places for shaping life and work. The Youth Section research team at the Goetheanum is devoting a study to three communities to investigate how the design of lived inclusion in the respective communities can contribute to the question of contemporary living and working conditions in social...
Two years ago, at the beginning of December, there was a spectacular solar eclipse at Tierra del Fuego in Southern...
The first feminist revolution was made possible by both women and men: this is the name given to the never-ending...
Twenty-one years ago, Maaianne Knuth founded the learning village ‹Kufunda› in Simbabwe, on her mother’s farmland. Her impulse was to reconnect the people with their roots, which were split by colonialism. One of our Editors, Gilda Bartel was there in October. The first fruit from this visit: a conversation about...
This November, the canton of Basel-Stadt had a vote as to whether they will become Swiss pioneers in going completely...
According to Herbert Salzmann, the oldest form of cooperation brings the pyramid into view: someone says where to go. The...
Is it in my power to change something? «We see it in the destabilization of the climate, the sinking of the groundwater level, the loss of topsoil, and the alarming loss of biodiversity. […] in an increased degree of polarization, inequality, racism, violence, and war as well as in the...
When we try to structure and direct organizations, we have two principles symbolized as a pyramid – cultures of the...
The threefold order of the social organism should be understood neither as a concept, a political program, or even a...
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