The time of grand feelings lies in our childhood and in the childhood of humanity. Just like in our personal...
São Paulo, Brazil. In a conversation with Friends of Waldorf Education, Regina Klein, director of a circus project for young...
Germany. A call for public discussion on the digitalization of education in an interdisciplinary and scientifically sound manner. Academics from a wide range of disciplines and research areas have joined forces to call for a moratorium on the use of digital media and artificial intelligence in German educational institutions. In...
Turkey. The Waldorf movement is still young in Turkey. Nisan Eskicioglu works with teachers who want to train as Waldorf...
Buenos Aires. A networking meeting for inclusive social development in curative education and social therapy. From April 30 to May...
Georgia. A venue for Waldorf education and community building in Georgia. The Georgian Parzival Youth Society was founded in 2016 by a group of young adults in their twenties. Since then, it has implemented many artistic and social projects. The challenges posed by the Covid pandemic ultimately awakened a desire...
In the summer of 2023, the journal Scientific American published an article on the astounding synchronization of electroencephalograms in human...
Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian biodynamic initiative Sekem invites you to visit. The Friends of Sekem Germany are once again organizing...
Sweden. The 17th Youth Initiative Program (YIP) in Ytterjärna, Sweden, is open for applications. This ten-month holistic educational program is aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 28 and will focus on unfolding the individual and personal commitment to society. Below is an interview with one of...
USA. An online workshop on early childhood play. In collaboration with the Anthroposophical Society in America, Lisa Miccio and Sondi...
“When we have awareness of the contributions that individuals make towards society and our own needs, and when we experience...
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