The French branch of the Weleda Group is forced to consider closing its pharmaceutical production as homeopathy is no longer...
It is called ‹Loi de vigilance› in France, ‹Lieferkettengesetz› in Germany, ‹Supply Chain Act› in the US, and ‹Wet Zorgplicht...
The method of dialogical management not only helps companies to reach decisions in joint responsibility – it is suitable as an instrument for any relationship process. Insights into this social-artistic path from a management consultant and organisational developer. A few years ago, a large industrial company wrote in its employee...
100 years ago, Rudolf Steiner gave his National Economics Course and designed a pricing strategy that doesn’t just follow supply...
In many organizations, change can actually begin immediately, and almost everything can be changed within a few years. This was...
A moment like it had happened hundreds of times and I was honored to experience it in parts when we were on the road together for lectures: Götz Werner visited his dm branches in all the cities he traveled to. Not, as one might think, talking to the store manager...
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