Social Threefolding As A Peacemaker

Also this year, the call to celebrate the day of social threefolding on June 26, 2022, and network.

Developments take place in rhythmic processes. Always after about 100 years, matters can be looked at anew and be led to increases. The ‹Year of Social Threefolding 2022› offers the opportunity to bring this idea into the center of society. «It is worthwhile to deal with the social threefolding, also for the sake of peace,» says Magnus Schlichtig, initiator of this day. All actors in the field of threefolding can register themselves and their actions in 2022 on the platform operated by Schlichtig. There you will find all links that lead to the different events. Everyone’s hope is that threefolding will gain more presence through talks, conferences, and the like.

More Day of Social Threefolding

Image Sketch of the threefolding structure by Rudolf Steiner, designed by Sofia Lismont – Translation: Monika

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