Social Pedagogy in Norway

Andebuz, Norway. Living and learning in a Norwegian Camphill community.

In autumn 2024, a two-year introductory course in social pedagogy will begin, organized by Rudolf Steiner University College in Oslo and the Camphill community Vidaråsen in Andebu, Norway. Participants live in Vidaråsen for the duration of the course. The practice-oriented course takes place part-time and combines modules from the Bachelor’s degree course in Social Pedagogy with regular work in the community. It is integrated into everyday life at Vidaråsen and consists of one day a week of lectures and exercises. Vidaråsen is a home for people with and without disabilities. It was founded in 1966 and is one of six Camphill communities in Norway. The course program is aimed at people who already work in curative education and social therapy contexts and would like to continue their education.

More Introductory Course in Social Pedagogy

Translation Charles Cross
Photos Steinerhøyskolen/Rudolf Steiner University College

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