Service to earth

«I have the following dream. For hundreds of years, maybe longer, the 18-year-olds were drafted and then forced to serve in the military. Military service. How would that be if we could replace that with Planetary Service – on a voluntary basis» – Rembert Biemond

Left: The core team of the project
Right: Planetary Service logo. All photos: Planetary Service

We are happy and proud to publicly present ‹Planetary Service› to the Anthroposophical community. It is a newly launched international movement aiming to promote and curate volunteering for a sustainable future in the areas of people care and caring for the earth. We promote volunteering for youth in projects working for a sustainable future. We create a network of projects, organizations and people aspiring to these same values. We provide a support framework for volunteers throughout their volunteer experience as well as for the project hosts.

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