Sensitive Fluidity

Blue Hill, Maine. A conference on the intrinsic nature of water.

What if we gave water back its archetypal movements in order to rehabilitate it? This question guided the flow and water research of the German engineer Theodor Schwenk and the British sculptor John Wilkes. Thanks to their work at the Institute for Flow Research in the Black Forest, we have a large number of designs that are still used today in biodynamic agriculture and landscape design. Based on Schwenk’s and Wilkes’ research, the North American and British Natural Science Sections are organizing the conference “Sensitive Fluidity—Steps to Experiencing the Intrinsic Nature of Water” at the Water Research Institute in Blue Hill, Maine, from July 7 to 13, 2024. The English-language event is aimed at teachers, environmentalists, designers, architects, and anyone who loves water. Through experimental workshops, participants will learn new ways of thinking about, observing and reading water movement. The program also includes excursions to waterfalls, beaches and springs.

More Sensitive Fluidity (Register by June 1st)

Translation Charles Cross
Photo Saira Ahmed/unsplash

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