Retreat with the Elements

Kiental/Frandeux. Inner centering with anthroposophic medicine.

The four elements of earth, water, air, and fire are the basic substances of which the world around us and the world within us are made. If the elements are in balance, we experience our existence as harmonious. If the elements are out of balance, this affects our well-being. Centering the inner substances is the intention of two seven-day retreats organized by the Belgian Centre of Healing Arts. The first will take place from March 28 to April 4, 2025, in Switzerland, and the second will take place from August 22 to 29 in Belgium. The retreat program is based on the non-drug therapy methods of Anthroposophical Medicine. In the midst of soothing natural landscapes, participants explore the four elements with the help of art therapy, painting and sculpture, eurythmy therapy, and rhythmic massage. No previous artistic experience is necessary to take part in the retreat.

More Center of Healing Arts

Translation Charles Cross
Image Janosch Lino

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