Question! Encounter! Play!

Frage! Begegne! Spiele! is an inclusive arts project that aims to bring young asylum seekers in Switzerland together with young European residents. Participants live and work together for a week in the Goetheanum’s surroundings. Guided by members of the Youth Section team, they create a theatre play from scratch inspired by their unique biographies.

Parts of the script, musical elements and the stage and costume design are developed collaboratively and as a result of the weaving of talents and individual and collective initiatives during the week. The final performance will be presented to the local community in the Goetheanum’s gardens on Saturday the 15th of December at 16:30.

In 2021 the first edition of this project took place in collaboration with the Initativ Forum für Geflüchtete, the Friends of Waldorf Education and Caritas’ Degenbalm Centre for Asylum Seekers. It brought 20 young people from 15 nationalities together. For the project’s second edition, the Youth Section has teamed up also with The Necessary Teacher Training College (Denmark) and Monte Azul Community Association (Germany/Brazil). The experience is open to anyone aged 16-30 years old. The project is made possible thanks to the support of Movetia’s Youth In Action Program and the Anthroposophical Society in Switzerland.

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