Preventing Abuse

According to police statistics, the number of crimes has continued to fall in 2021 – but the number of violence and abuse of children has continued to increase dramatically.

In a recent statement, the Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen (Federation of Waldorf Schools) in Germany (BDFWS) has welcomed the efforts of the German federal and state governments to prevent the abuse of children in schools more strongly. Two years ago, the BDFWS itself developed a protection concept that applies to all schools, and the federal government ensures that all schools have a protection concept. The guide to violence prevention has already been published in its second edition and in English as well. In addition, online and face-to-face training is offered, which is also actively used by the schools. Under the link below, you will find contact points, materials, and information for educators, parents, and those affected.

More Federation of Waldorf Schools

Photo Anima Visual – Translation: Monika Werner

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