One Step Further than the Stage

How can we promote art that manages to create a stage for itself? How can we attract artists who find cooperative partnerships with their topics in society?

The team of the ‹Eventeurythmie.TanzFestival› asked themselves these questions and designed the format ‹Artist.inResidence›. The team offers eurythmy artists a rehearsal room and a budget for the new project. As an achievement of the residence time, a finished dance piece was created, which was accompanied by a coach, and has found another venue that fits the new project. «We want to create added value in society and create places where art makes a difference,» says Michaela Prader, chairwoman of the association. The four artists worked with three coaches at two locations: Amsterdam and Bonn. The artistic processes will be broadcast for the first time as a documentary in spring 2023.

Instagram eventeurythmie.tanzfestival

Image Eventeurythmy Association – Translation: Monika Werner

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