No patents on seeds

Petition against patents on conventionally bred plants and animals.

Image: Campaign ‹No patents on seeds›

These patents are not permitted under European law. The petition wants to implement the existing bans and prevent industrial agribusinesses from taking control of the food. She calls for a conference of ministers from the contracting states of the European Patent Office next year. The aim is to find and take effective measures to stop these patents. This applies above all to methods of crossing, selection and random mutations as well as genetic engineering methods whose areas of application are expanding unlawfully. The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International supports the petition for the waiver of patents on seeds and this call to action. So far, it has been supported by 32 international partner organizations, from Oxfam and environmental protection institutions to the Austrian auxiliary bishop and the working group for rural agriculture.

Stop more patents on seeds!

Cover photo: Thomas Einberger

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