The third of this four-part series further explores a resolution to the paradox of intellectual materialism. It leads to a...
Modern science has taken on such a stature that it is rare to seriously question its fundamental assumptions. Here, Matthew...
Self-education is a recurring theme in Goethe’s work, for example in his Bildungsromane and plays. However, this dimension of inner development is less known in the context of his scientific research. Iris Henningfeld shares her research in this field here and gives an inspiring insight into the connection between self-development...
The fact that all living beings, from humans to single-celled organisms, share not only the earth but also its life...
Children love to play the game of asking «Why?» without end. Perhaps this is the beginning of the scientific mind....
The leadership of the Natural Science Section changed in the new year. Johannes Wirz handed along his position to Vesna Forštnerič. The new leadership now consists of her and Matthias Rang. This offers a good opportunity for a look at the work and relevance of anthroposophical natural science. Gilda Bartel...
For 35 years, Johannes Wirz supported and significantly shaped the work at the Research Institute at the Goetheanum. With his...
What is bright yellow, eats oats as its favourite food, does not like coffee, learns without a brain – even...
Rudolf Steiner wrote in the last months of his life: «If we speak today in such a way that our thoughts can also be those of Christ, we oppose the Ahrimanic powers with something that protects us from falling for them. To understand the meaning of Michael’s mission in the cosmos...
On the 150th anniversary of Goethe’s death, Schad gave a lecture in the hall of the Waldorf School Uhlandshöhe in...
The German evolutionary biologist, anthroposophist and Goetheanist Wolfgang Schad (1935-2022) was one of my most significant teachers, and probably for many...
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