Meetings For  Pachamama

Two important dates are on the agenda of the Biodynamic community in South America: a General Assembly and the 36th Latin American Conference on Biodynamic Agriculture.

Between the 25th and 30th of November 2022, the general assembly of the South American association within the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International will take place in Chile. After two years, a real reunion is very much desired. The federation will therefore organize a joint trip with the Chilean Association through the landscapes of Chile and its diverse cultures. There will be room for working and sharing on issues that affect the whole community. There is also the possibility to extend the trip in groups of interested people to visit other places in Latin America. A short time later, from the 8th to the 12th of December, all those interested will be welcome to attend the Latin American Conference on Biodynamic Agriculture. It is the central meeting in the South American scene, and this year it is sponsored by the Peruvian group in collaboration with the Latin American Council for Biodynamic Agriculture. This year’s topic is ‹America’s Contributions to the Vitality of Pachamama›. There will be room for the exchange of experience and knowledge, where regional needs and interests can also be discussed. Community members from Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic look forward to welcoming participants.

More Biodynamic Federation Demeter International

Photos Demeter Chile

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