Meditation in Everyday Life

German-Norwegian research project on Rudolf Steiner’s meditation exercises

Christoph Hueck (Akanthos-Akademie, Stuttgart) is conducting a collaborative research project with Ulrich Weger (Witten/Herdecke University) and Terje Sparby (Rudolf Steiner University College, Oslo) concerning the effects of anthroposophical meditation on the human constitution as a whole. In an interview with Sebastian Knust from the Anthroposophical Society in Germany, Hueck described the intentions behind the project. Hueck’s starting point was Rudolf Steiner’s book Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How Is It Attained? in which Steiner describes easy-to-perform exercises aimed at expanding, deepening, and enlivening knowledge as well as personal development. According to Hueck, the research project is investigating how the regular practice of three of these exercises affects the way we experience ourselves and the world, our inner sense of security, our ability to concentrate, and other areas of life.

There are currently 60 people taking part in the project, who have been meditating twice a day on average for two months and recording their experiences. On a monthly basis, the participants are also asked about aspects of their general well-being and exchange information with each other in small groups and online meetings. This practical part of the project is scheduled to run for six months and will subsequently be evaluated in a qualitative content analysis. The results will then be published in international specialist journals. According to Hueck, the experience reports from the participants have so far been overwhelmingly positive. They have become more self-aware and more conscious in their interpersonal encounters. The exercises stimulate creative impulses in them. Experiences of nature are perceived more intensely. Alertness, spirituality, and presence were increased. Hueck is pleased to report that the anthroposophical meditation exercises are already having a promising effect on the well-being of the participants.

Full interview (in German) available at Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in Deutschland

Translation Joshua Kelberman
Photo credit Gerd Altmann (from Pixabay)

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