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  1. MOTHER EARTH 🌍 The earth is our mother, we will not have another. There’s no better place to find for…

  2. Hi, I’d like to try addressing both mentioned concerns from my vantage point: 1) I perceive Rosicrucianism as being undefinable…

  3. I have followed Prof Furst’s fascinating insights for some time. I am sure that ‘Heart Thinking’ is very important. However,…

  4. A truly heartwarming presentation. Furst combines spiritual scientific research with ordinary materialistic measurements and investigation in general. Or, one might…

  5. The remarkable thoughts about tenderness in our time are so beautiful. Body von Plato’s arriving at the golden tone in…

  6. This is a very clear and most inspiring way of explaining our feeling life! Thank you!!!

  7. “Never Again is Now” is a docmentary series featuring holocaust survivor Vera Sherav. She goes into the story of the…

  8. I’m thankful for reading more about people studying about and working with the nature sketches given by Rudolph Steiner. I…

  9. Mein ‘willen’ lebt in meinen gliedern, wie meine gefuhle im blut zum herz leiten, das diese wunderbarheit meine Gedanken entzunden…

  10. Will you be looking at any of Zygmunt Bauman’s work particularly Modernity and the Holocaust?

  11. Thank you for this excellent article. However, the link for Footnote # 8 – “Lili Kolisko’s research has been confirmed…

  12. Concerning article on 24 – The Cosmic Middle, there is also similar concept in Abhidhamma Pitaka of Theravada Buddhism. The…

  13. Dear Elaine, Please excuse this late response to your comment. I certainly agree with your wish to make this remarkable…

  14. absolutely wunderbar! wonderful article/thoughts about how humans can better enjoy one another in their diversity of views .. but how…

  15. Regarding the article ‘Anthroposophy & Extremism are Incompatible’ This article has omitted to include left wing extremism which is the…

  16. How can this play become a film and available online for those of us in the rest of the world?…

  17. This is a very meaningful and historic view on the direction that anthroposophy might or must take in the present…

  18. My understanding is that technology has been mimicking/optimizing human activities all along. Thinking is just the latest type of human…

  19. Such a profound and thought filled article by Iftach. This is made even more note worthy in that he is…

  20. Mr Ben Aharon has written profoundly and well. Thank you. Cjcharles Adelaide South Australia

  21. There are some good ideas here. But when Ben Aharon talks about the “pseudo human” he should explore the aspects…

  22. Een abstract filosofisch artikel dat voor mij niet bijdraagt aan een beter begrip omtrent vrede e.d. Wat in bredere context…

  23. Growing snails bio dynamically means feeding them in a particular way. How do they need to be fed in order…

  24. Marion Debus, Excellent article, with lovely nuances of even greater depth. Thank you John Takacs DO

  25. I’m glad to notice and agree with the general statements in the article. It’s wonderful to notice the brightness of…

  26. Is it possible that Barfield has formulated an argument for the importance of making professional experience into research in several…

  27. Clifford Venho’s essay, “Poetry of the Dawn – Reflections on the Birth of the English Language,” is perfect in every…

  28. We should not forget the work of Saul Bellow In particular his novel Humboldt’s gift is about an anthroposophist. That…

  29. see : “Big Bang” according to the 19th century polish poet J. Słowacki,big-bang-according-to-the-19th-century-polish-poet-j-slowacki

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