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  1. Thank you so much Ralph – delighted to find you among our subscribers! I am now an editor for Das…

  2. Thank you for this! I try to practise exactly what is referred to here, currently reading the Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts.…

  3. Dear Maria, thank-you so much for your writing on the sighting of the Angels. I had a profound experience last…

  4. Waere es moeglich diesen Text in deutscher Sprache zu lesen? Danke

  5. If beings native to the earth, from the future or another dimension living “in the sky” as the ancients may…

  6. Interesting answers, but is it necessary for warmth and movement to be so expensive? Of course masseuses/masseurs, eurythmists and health…

  7. Oh yes I am glad you are speaking in this way, it seems that too few are analyzing it as…

  8. …to be continued with rock concerts etc. It´s like anthroposophists, while bending over their GA numbers, seem to have missed…

  9. I will forward your message. You can also contact directly here for technical support: (Probably you already looked in…

  10. Does anyone know where the lecture by Willi Sucher is available that is retired to as being given in Fair…

  11. In my comment today, I was considering one of the comments given about the interview on meditation.

  12. It seems so easy to forget Steiner’s exercise about positivity and refraining from criticism. We have too much divisiveness in…

  13. Dear Christine, loveing best wishes to you from Wales. I would like to read this article. I am retired and…

  14. Dag lieve Christine, je zou me een groot plezier kunnen doen door me jouw oorspronkelijke Nederlandse tekst van dit essaye…

  15. Thank you. A lovely piece. Trying to offer the gifts I find in Steiner’s genius, I seem to have written…

  16. In “hypermoralism destroy’s freedom” morality is going wild and lacks any basis in reality and the mass media perpetuate this…

  17. I’m shocked to hear this. I myself believe Russia has had its legitimate concerns ignored by the west. Let’s trust…

  18. is there a ‘natural ageing progression’ from “higher faster further” to “deeper slower closer” both at the physical objective and…

  19. Thank you Claus- Peter, this is a really helpful interview for me. It describes both the practical steps and the…

  20. I keep remembering Steiner’s emphasis on positivity. Although we should notice the bad things, if we work on fostering the…

  21. I don’t see how Germany can claim that it respects free speech. very recently a woman was fined $900 for…

  22. Cultural programs originating from wealthy non-human entities do not lead directly to human freedom. They have another goal, which we…

  23. The beginning of the end of Anthroposophic Medicine.

  24. In response to the question about about the NS Section is North America, please see this link:

  25. Yes, I think this could be valuable. I worked with her and could help.

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