International Inclusion

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Ytterjärna, Sweden. An inclusive conference as a space for participation.

Adult education programs, especially in international contexts, are often inaccessible to people with cognitive disabilities. In order to cultivate more inclusion in these areas, the conference series ‘“Community in Conversation” was launched. The events, which are designed as traveling conferences, take place every spring in different anthroposophically-inspired communities. The meetings open up a meeting space between members of the host community and guests with and without assistance needs from various institutions and organizations. The encounter between the different realities of life and the resulting questions and revelations create the opportunity to broaden each other’s horizons. The experience of belonging to an international group of people with similar circumstances is also important for participants with assistance needs. This represents a valuable counterbalance to their still widespread experience of marginalization. The next conference will take place from May 28 to 31 at the Kulturhuset in Ytterjärna, Sweden. Järna and Ytterjärna are known as Sweden’s anthroposophical center and are home to numerous curative education facilities and workshops.

More Section for Inclusive Social Development

Translation Charles Cross
Image At the conference. Photo: Matthias Spalinger

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