How Do I Find the Good?

Interdisciplinary conference to deepen anthroposophic medicine.

In Rudolf Steiner’s time, interested medical students asked him for suggestions for their training and work as doctors. After the Christmas Conference in 1924, from January 2 to 9, the first lectures on “Meditative Observations and Instructions for Deepening the Art of Healing” were held in the Glashaus at the Goetheanum. For some years now, an international group of young people from the medical and therapeutic professions (YIAM, Young Impulses in Anthroposophic Medicine) has been working on the content of these lectures. They recently held a conference, How Do I Find the Good? January 3rd to 7th, 2024. One of the attendees, Josias Evers, had this to say:

“I joined YIAM six months ago. Now, I am about to graduate from medical school. The further we progress in the course for young doctors, the more connected I feel to what was said in them. There are still many diseases that are considered incurable, even with current medical advances. It seems difficult, even hopeless, to sustain the claim to heal in such situations. Nevertheless, in the course for young doctors, Steiner speaks of the unconditional will to heal. One should do everything possible, even if the illness seems incurable, to have the courage to heal. This question, ‘How do I find the good?’ is a valuable guide for the relationship between therapist and patient.”

More information YIAM

Translation Laura Liska
Image YIAM preparation group in September 2023. Photo: Nicole Asis

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